The Fluffy Dragon is an inn set in a fantasy world. But unlike most games you aren't the hero resting at the inn and eventualy leaving it in chaos after a battle with your enemies, smashing every pot searching for gold or stealing everything in your reach. Instead you are the owner and have to deal with the "heroes" coming to your inn.
Not yet. And neither the release date nor the price has been set.
The game is designed and programmed by @meisterfuu. The awesome pixelart and graphic design is done by @theLeadpanda. Follow her on Twitter and Twitch.
"The Fluffy Dragon" is the name of the inn. It is named after the companion of the innkeeper a small fluffy cat like dragon. (But no less fearsome and dangerous!)
The game features a custom engine programmed in Java using LibGDX.
She is using Photoshop. To review and look at her work she is using a tool called "Tiled". It is free.